Friday, February 3, 2012



Smoking is a trap.  Don't feel bad millions of people just like you  have fallen for it.  Fortunately you can escape the trap with some knowledge and a little bit of will  power.

For a smoker the brain craves nicotine.  The only reason it craves nicotine is that you put nicotine in the system to  begin with.  Once you give it a good dose the nicotine starts to deplete and your brain let's you know that it needs more.  As soon as you put the cigarette out your body begins to go into withdrawal.  Your body and brain are happy the 20 - 30 times a day you are smoking but every other minute in the day you are living in a state of withdrawal.  Is that any way to live your life?  Do you  want to live in a constant state of want for a drug?

Here is a basic pattern of a smokers day

  1. Smoke a cigarette - get that ahhhh sensation
  2. Immediately the nicotine starts to leave your body and you crave more
  3. Within 30 minutes you need to light another cigarette
  4. Smoke a cigarette - get the ahhhh sensation
  5. Immediately the nicotine starts to leave your body and you crave more
  6. Within 30 minutes you need to light another cigarette
  7. Smoke a cigarette - get the ahhhh sensation

Get the point!!!!  It is a never ending cycle of addiction.  It is not a fun habit or a cool habit.  It is an addiction to a powerful drug.  Now that you realize this start paying attention.   Do you really need that next cigarette??  How about the one in 30 minutes?? an hour?? 90 minutes??

Once you break the cycle you will no longer have the urge every 30 minutes.  Think of all the things you could accomplish if you didn't have to stop and smoke!!!